RKCL Courses

RCMOS RKCL Certificate in Microsoft Office Specialist (RKCL MOS Course)


RKCL Certificate in Microsoft Office Specialist

RCDTP RKCL Certificate in DeskTop Publishing course


RKCL Certificate in DeskTop Publishing

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate course in Information Technology) course by rkcl and myrkcl


Rajasthan State Certificate course in Information Technology (RSCIT)

RS-CSEP (Rajasthan State Certificate in Spoken English & Personality Development) course by rkcl and myrkcl


Rajasthan State Certificate in Spoken English & Personality Development (RSCSEP)

Rajasthan State Certificate in Financial Accounting course by rkcl and myrkcl


Rajasthan State Certificate in Financial Accounting (RSCFA)

RCAEVB : RKCL Certificate in Advance Excel with VBA | RKCL Course


RKCL Certificate in Advanced Excel / Advanced Excel with VBA

RCGD : RKCL Certificate in Basic Graphic Design | RKCL Course

RCGD (Basic)

RKCL Certificate in Graphic Designing

RCAGD : RKCL Certificate in Advance Graphic Design | RKCL Course

RCAGD (Advance)

RKCL Certificate in Advanced Graphic Designing

RCDM (RKCL Certificate in Basic Digital Marketing) | RKCL Course

RCDM (Basic)

RKCL Certificate in Digital Marketing (Basic)

RCADM : RKCL Certificate in Advance Digital Marketing | RKCL Course

RCADM (Advance)

RKCL Certificate in Advanced Digital Marketing

RCBPP : Rajasthan Certificate in Basic Python Programing | RKCL Course

RCBPP (Basic)

RKCL Certificate in Basic Python Programming

RCAPP : Rajasthan Certificate in Advance Python Programing | RKCL Course

RCAPP (Advance)

RKCL Certificate in Advanced Python Programming

RCWDDJ : RKCL Certificate in Web Development Using Django | RKCL Course


RKCL Certificate in Web Development using Django

RCWDPHP : RKCL Certificate in Web Development Using PHP | RKCL Course


RKCL Certificate in Web Development using PHP

RCWDS : RKCL Certificate in Web Designing with React | RKCL Course


RKCL Certificate in Web Designing using React

RKCL Educational Programs


Computer Literacy Initiative for Comprehensive Knowledge

iLearn (Learning Management System) by rkcl


Learning Management System

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